Teaching Philosophy


y teaching phi­lo­so­phy aims to pro­vide prac­tice rele­vant rese­arch and rese­arch led prac­tice in order to opti­mally pre­pare stu­dents for both the sci­en­ti­fic and cli­ni­cal field of psy­cho­logy.

  • Deli­very: Deli­very encom­pas­ses best-practice examp­les (e.g. working with case stu­dies from my own prac­tical expe­ri­ence) along­s­ide up-to-date and rele­vant rese­arch, using media sup­por­ted resour­ces.  
  • Rese­arch skills: My stu­dents learn the essen­tial skills requi­red for cli­ni­cal prac­tice and rese­arch, from learning how to for­mu­late rese­arch ques­ti­ons wit­hin semi­nars to con­duc­ting field rese­arch with par­ti­ci­pants. Throughout the rese­arch pro­cess stu­dents learn the import­ance of empi­ri­cal work.
  • Super­vi­sion of dis­ser­ta­ti­ons: I have exten­sive expe­ri­ence of rese­arch pla­ce­ments and rese­arch col­lo­qui­ums. I super­vi­sed more than 100 the­ses. In addi­tion, I regu­larly super­vise stu­dents using e-mail and group­ware, thus enab­ling close super­vi­sion and rapid res­pon­ses for a com­pa­ra­tively large num­ber of stu­dents. I always sup­port fur­ther sci­en­ti­fic and rese­arch out­put oppor­tu­nities for stu­dents who obtain high qua­lity the­ses.
  • E-teaching and learning: I believe there are many advan­ta­ges to con­cepts such as blen­ded learning (cam­pus based learning sup­por­ted by online learning) and I aim to incor­po­rate such models wit­hin my teaching. In par­ti­cu­lar I aim to pro­mote online know­ledge acqui­si­tion and the use of vir­tual forums, where group-based online learning oppor­tu­nities can help to fos­ter suc­cess­ful social col­la­bo­ra­tion and coope­ra­tion skills. 


Main teaching focus



lini­cal Psy­cho­logy and Psy­cho­the­rapy (foun­da­ti­ons and prin­ci­ples of aetio­logy, patho­ge­ne­sis, clas­si­fi­ca­tion and sym­pto­ma­to­logy of psy­cho­lo­gi­cal dis­or­ders; tre­at­ment moda­li­ties that accom­pany the various aetio­lo­gi­cal models,

as well as metho­do­lo­gi­cal stra­te­gies for rese­ar­ching psy­cho­lo­gi­cal dis­or­ders ran­ging from expe­ri­men­tal psy­cho­logy rese­arch methods for beha­viou­rist approa­ches to indi­vi­dual case stu­dies for psy­cho­dy­na­mic rese­arch); deli­very of the com­plete

inter­ven­tion spec­trum wit­hin cli­ni­cal psy­cho­logy with con­side­ra­tion of the various prin­ci­ples (neu­ro­bio­logy, theo­ries of deve­lop­ment etc.); the approa­ches and methods of psy­cho­the­rapy.